Here I am. In so much pain...What can I say? I've gone through so much emotional pain, so much it's hard for me for me to understand why I react in such anger. Maybe it's because I have let the smallest problem turn into something big. I may have no reason for me losing my temper. So hard to control...the anger and the pain that I have gone through all rushing back in when I pushed it so far back in my mind.
I stand the edge of a cliff. Should I jump? Make all the pain disappear. Make it all end, not to hurt another. I don't want to do that...I don't want to hurt no more pain for me or anyone else...
I lean my head back...closing my eyes, letting the tears that flooded into my eyes slide down the sides of my cheeks. What a beautiful day to die...the wind so gracefully blowing through my hair. My breathing no longer steady, but bumpy and full of pain.
With out opening my eyes....I felt like I was flying. Being wonderful. My hair once tied up to neatly came undone...the kimono I wrapped around my body so distasteful, came apart.
Everything has gone dark....