All the great magic holders of the world (wizards, sorcerors, archmages, etc.) gathered at the great archmage's temple. The temple was over crowded by all sorts of magic holders, all talking making everything noisy. "Silence!' The great archmage said in a deep firm voice, everything soon got quiet. "You all know who I am, Gatigo." His voice echoed through the room. "I know all of you want to know if this floating island truely excist."
The room then grew load as the all talked, soon getting silent again. "That day...the day to know of it's true excistance is today. At midnight is when it floats over this very temple. The only way to call up it is for all of us to use out magic as one. That way we can bring the island down earth and talk to whatever creatures live upon this island." A clock in the back dongs. "It's now eleven, 30 minutes from now we shall gather outside the temple and call the island down to us." The crowd again grew load with talking as Gatigo stepped down from his temple throne into another room.
All the magic holders gather in a circle, a really big circle. "It will take at least 20 minutes for all of us to gather our energy. Whe we are ready we will use our powers and bring the island to us."
They all stood in their positions, stiff as stone consintrating, bringing forth their energy. When the 20 minutes finally passed they all chanted in their own words all at the same time. A greyish glow in the middle of the circle started off small, growing bigger every passing minute, til finally it was midnight. The grey glow then shot up like a ray past the clouds. The magic holders continued to chan as the light started to pull the island down from the clouds.
The island was huge it was bigger than the circle of magic holders. When the very tip of the triangular shaped island touched the earth they all stopped chanting and starred up at the floating island they had just called to earth.