EmLynn studied herself in a mirror, standing still her blank eyes starred at herself for sometime in silence. Her hair down, it was about an inch past her shoulders. He wore a silk blue and dark green dress that would shimmer if there was any light. After sometime she started breathing more heavily and her eyes turned to rage and the mirror then broke when she let out a vicious scream of rage.
At the end of her scream Lotus comes running into the nearly empty room, before he could say anything EmLynn kicks him in the face knocking him to the ground. This came to a surprise to him so he wasn't on his guard. Before Lotus had a chance to get up EmLynn landed oh top of him and punched him a couple of times.
A strange laugh then echoed through the room stopping EmLynn from what she was doing. Lotus looked at EmLynn in shock then wiped some blood from the edge of his mouth. "...Lotus..." EmLynn said as if just seeing him.
The laugh then rang out through the room again, and a man appeared in the center of the room. Jaton then clapped. "Nice work, EmLynn." Jaton smiled.
"Who are you?" EmLynn sneered standing to her feet.
"That's Jaton," Kallima said appearing next to Jaton. "I have a present for you, Jaton."
"What is it, Auntie?" Jaton smiled.
Kallima slightly raised her hand and Angel dropped to the ground unconscious. "She was difficult to get, but she can make you more whole than Kitana would."
"And?" Jaton asked wondering why Kallima brought Angel instead of Kitana.
"Don't you get it?" Kallima asked walking around him. "She is the most powerful, the most needed." Kallima then walked in front of Jaton. "With my help... I can make her yours."
Jaton looked at Kallima a little untrusting. "What do I have to do?" He asked.
"All you have to do is help my daughter in the up coming battle." Kallima said.
"I don't need help mother." EmLynn said sure enough of herself.
"I say you do!" Kallima said sternly.
"Fine..." Jaton said. He then walked up to EmLynn and kissed her hand.
Unknown to them Angel and come back to consciousness and stood up and jumped towards Kallima whose back was facing her. "Watch out!!" Lotus screamed and jumped to block Angel's attack.
When Angel came in contact with Lotus a powerful electrifying ray sparked throughout the room. Of course Lotus was no competition to Angel and was easily down. After the ray had dimmed out Angel was kneeling next to Lotus who had steam rising from his body from the impact. Angel had anger in her eyes and looked straight at Kallima.
"No! Not now! You were not supposed to wake!!!" Kallima screamed with rage charging towards Angel.
Angel was ready for her attack and sprang towards her as well. They both drew their swords and came in contact. Huge sparks flew when the swords struck the each other. One had wings of an angel, the other the wings that looked bat like.
Angel pushed Kallima's sword to the side and very quickly gave Kallima a swift kick in the stomach. The force was so powerful Kallima went flying through the castle's walls into the Kingdom of Lynns streets. Kallima landed hard in the ground leaving a deep dent in it.
The people ran quickly to the safety of their homes while the goddesses battled. Angel then landed on the ground a couple of feet from Kallima. Kallima then stood up and starred at Angel. A smile spread across her face as she sprang to action.
Holding out one of her hands she shot out fire balls towards Angel. Angel avoided them, with each fireball Angel got closer to Kallima. Finally shooting a bigger fireball than the others when Kallima thought Angel was too close. Thinking she got Angel she smiled.
"Missed me!" Angel yelled floating above Kallima.
When Kallima looked up Angel had already shot a flaming ball of light at Kallima. Crossing both her arms across her face creating a force field to block Angel's attack. Bat like wings then flapped out from Kallima's back and she jumped up towards Angel.
Kallima then swung her sword at Angel. Twisting away from the attack, Angel barely missed it, but a piece of her cloth that hung from either side of her waist was cut off. They both started to throw attacks toward each other with their swords. Neither one of them being able to hit the other. Finally Kallima was able to get hold of Angel, they both then started to zoom downwards with incredible speed.
Kallima had slammed Angel deep into the ground, leaving a huge hole in the ground as if a meteor had hit the island. Soon the both came jumping out of the hole on either side of it. They then had another stare down. Kallima then let out a laugh. "It's all over now." She laughed.
Jaton then gripped Angel from behind and stabbed her deep in the side. Angel let out a scream of anger and pain. Jaton kept his grip around Angel then her body went limp and he pulled his sword out of her. "This should keep her out for a couple of minutes." Jaton said.
Tickashi woke with a startle. Sitting up straight and sweating, he knew he had a nightmare.
He looked outside the tent, the sun was beginning to rise. He felt something. He didn't know what it was, but he felt he had to go somewhere. He looked at the others, they were fast asleep. He wanted sleep, be he couldn't help but still get that feeling. He couldn't help it and grabbed his sword and headed into the woods, letting the feeling lead him.
"Tickashi." A voice said behind him.
He quickly stopped and drew his sword. Noticing that it was only Kannuki he put his sword back. "What are you doing here?" Tickashi asked.
"Well," Kannuki started. "I saw you leaving so I followed."
"So why'd you stop me?" Tickashi asked.
"Well, you're heading to the kingdom of Lynns." Kannuki said pointing to the island that shown clearly through the trees.
"There must be something going on." Tickashi said. "There's some kind of force pulling me towards it."
"Why don't we wait for the others?" Kannuki suggested.
"No. No time." Tickashi said.
"Then I'll go with you." Cyrus said.
"I don't need you." Tickashi said.
"If there's some kind of force in you, then I'll need you alive and well 'till all this ends." Cyrus said.
Tickashi only gave Cyrus a look and started towards the island of Lynns. Kannuki turned and ran back toward the camp area to wake the group. "Mingi." Kannuki said shaking Mingi awake.
"What is it, Kannuki?" Mingi asked.
"Tickashi and Cyrus had already headed to the kingdom of Lynns." Kannuki said calmly.
Mingi sat up. "When was this?" She asked.
"Not to long ago. They're heading there right now." Kannuki replied.
Mingi had quickly woken the rest of the group. "I think Tickashi and Cyrus can take care of themselves for now, but let's not take too long getting to the island... they may need our help." Mingi said. "Yousef, you can lead your troops behind us."
"But what about the monsters and demons?" Yousef asked calmly.
"The source of those demons is on that island," Cat said. "We kill EmLynn, the demons disappear."
"Understood." Yousef said then headed out the tent.
When the group was ready they said their good-byes to Jun whose injuries were too severe for her to go to battle with them. "This sucks! Now I'm gonna miss all the major action!!" Jun yelled after the group who was already heading towards the kingdom of Lynns.
Tickashi and Cyrus make it to the floating island. It floated just off the ground, but staying in place. Tickashi and Cyrus were able to stand below it and not worry about it falling on top of them. Having to strain their necks back just to look up at the island, it was amazingly big.
"So, how do we get up?" Cyrus asked Tickashi.
"I wouldn't have the slightest--" Tickashi had taken two steps to the side and bumped into something.
"What is it?" Cyrus asked.
"There's something here..." Tickashi said, lifting one foot and setting it on something solid, but invisible. He then fully stood on the invisible object and it looked as though he were floating in the air. "I think these are invisible steps..." Tickashi said setting his foot on another solid object, but being very couscous about it.
"Hmm.. I guess you're right." Cyrus said stepping on the first step that Tickashi was on.
Slowly and consciously they made their way stepping on each step taking them closer to the top of the island. Finally making it to the top of the island they stepped on the ground and looked around.
"What happened here?" Tickashi asked aloud to himself.
Looking around they saw a huge hole in the ground, and dust from the fight between Angel and Kallima floated about.
"The goddess Angel had come to try and save our island, but the death goddess is on the side of the monster that has taken over our island." An old man said stepping out from behind a beautiful blossom tree.
"Who are you?" Cyrus asked.
"I am the oldest peasant of the Lynns." The old man replied. "I know the witch is planning something for me and the other Lynns; or else why would she keep us alive."
"How did Tickashi and Cyrus get all the way up there?" Kannuki asked looking up at the island.
"Maybe I can be of some help." Kitana said suddenly appearing with Jun beside her.
"Hi everyone." Jun waved.
"Hey, how'd you get all better so fast?" Raziel asked.
"Kitana showed up and healed all my wounds." Jun replied. "She just found out that Angel's up there." Jun pointed up to the island.
"So how do we get up there, Kitana?" Mingi asked.
"Well, the Lynns have invisible steps to get them up there, but they're very difficult to see. Only that's the hard way, I'd prefer we go the easy way." Kitana said.
"And how's that?" Niniane asked.
"By flight of course." Kitana smiled. A gush of wind then spiraled around her. Niniane quickly grabbed a hold of Raziel, causing him to blush. The whole group then started to float off the ground.
"Aw, you look so cute when you blush." Niniane teased noticing Raziel blushing.
They reached the top of the island quicker than Tickashi and Cyrus did. "What happened to this place?" Yuni asked.
Niniane took a step forward then looked down and gasped jumping back. It was the old man that was talking to Tickashi and Cyrus, but they were no where to be found. The old man had lost half of his face and soaked the ground with his own blood.
"Oh, man!" Niniane croaked plugging her nose and waving her hand around trying to get rid of the smell.
"Where's Cyrus and Tickashi?" Yuni asked looking around.
Cyrus cast a small fire spell on the wooden object that was a torch. It lit up and what the light shined on was mainly the floor.
"How did we get here?" Cyrus asked.
"I don't know, but my guess is that whom ever took over this island now knows that we're here to crash the party." Tickashi said.
A laugh then echoed through the room. "You've got that right." The voice said. A man then appeared in front of them.
Cyrus drew his massamune and charged at the man swinging at his stomach slicing him in half. But no blood stained his sword. "What!? He's an illusion!" Cyrus said.
The man whom was Lotus laughed again. "You think I'd be stupid enough to come to this part of the dungeon." Lotus said. "All my lovers stay here, and it would just hurt them to see me again, but they love fresh new young male body's. Unlike the fat goat that told us where the island was, they ate him."
An old crusty hand with long red fingernails reached out towards Tickashi. The hand gently and sophistically wrapped around his neck. "That's my Que to leave." Lotus disappeared and Tickashi was pulled deep into the shadows leaving the torch still lit on the ground. Cyrus then heard a gushing sound and a scream. That's when tiny red eyes began to appear everywhere Cyrus looked. They all then began to say things. "Come to me darling." "I love you, come to ME" "Love me. Tell me you love me." and many more.
Cyrus came running up to where Tickashi was and slashed his sword at the monsters. Cutting the monsters arms, head, and so on. "Thanks Cyrus." With a little bit of the room in darkness still, Tickashi lit the dead bodies on fire lighting the room more.
They then jumped back in amazement since there were so many more monsters, they wondered if they could fight them all off. Cyrus made an angered face and his sword began to glow. "Red moon slash!!" He slashed his sword two times and two red beams of light flashed towards the monsters. Flying like a boomerangs the beams slashed at the monster amazingly fast then turning and started back to Cyrus. He had jumped up to catch the weapons and continued to slash at the monsters with what are called 'crescent' which only Cyrus can ever summon.
Tickashi faced the other side of the room where other 'love monsters' stood and continued to make their calls towards them. Tickashi raised his sword high above his head and it began to glow a reddish color with little fire balls swirling around the blade. "Wave of Fire!!" Tickashi yelled striking the ground horizontally creating a line of fire that headed toward the group of monsters. Splitting the monsters the fire then raised up like a wave and burned a huge amount of monster under lava.
Tickashi and Cyrus then stood still as the remaining monsters retreated to one side of the room. They all then either cut or bit a major vain and let the blood drip onto the ground. They all began to whisper quietly as the blood puddle began to get bigger. Tickashi and Cyrus couldn't make out what they were exactly saying but they knew it was bad news.
Cyrus then turned and saw something which looked like a door, but wasn't exactly sure. He ran over and checked it out. It was door, but he couldn't open it from the inside.
"Cyrus...!" Tickashi yelled a bit worried still looking forward at the monsters.
"Not now!" Cyrus yelled trying to figure a way to open the door.
Tickashi had backed up all the way to where Cyrus was then tapped Cyrus' shoulder. "What the hell do--!" Cyrus stopped in mid-sentence when he saw something huge out of the corner of his eye. Turning to view what it was he saw that a giant monster was almost completely transformed out of the blood. "Oh great!" Cyrus said in anger. He then turned back to the door and slashed his sword between on of the cracks and pushed on the door. Tickashi then came to side and helped him push. The door was heavy and extremely hard to push open. The monster then began to take steps toward them once they finally got the door open wide enough for them to fit through. They then quickly began to shut the door close. Once they got it closed all became silent, the whispering of the monsters stopped and the sound of the monster that the 'love monsters' conquered became silent. All that was left was the heavy breathing of Cyrus and Tickashi.
They sat outside the door in another dark area. "Okay, I hope we don't run into anymore monsters." Tickashi said.
"I agree." Cyrus said.
At the end of Cyrus' sentence wind started to blow. They both jumped up and stood in their stances. Light then glowed in front of them so bright that they had to shield their eyes. When they could finally look Kitana stood before them, with a small glow of light still shining around her. "What happened to you?" Kitana asked looking at their almost worn bodies.
"We were attacked by monsters, in which I shall call 'love monsters'." Tickashi said.
"Here let me help..." Kitana said and raised her hand in front of her and a green blow shined around her hand healing Tickashi and Cyrus.
Mingi and the others sat around a table in a Lynns house. The woman of the house fixed drinks for her guests. "So what is this evil force that has taken over our island?" The woman asked Cat.
"The daughter of the goddess of death herself." Cat replied, then taking a sip of her drink. "Her name is EmLynn..."
"That's terribly awful!" The woman said sitting in the remaining chair.
"Hey, now that you're back on the island. Can you transform into Lynn form?" Kannuki asked Cat and Yuni.
Cat then began to transform, her back legs bent and shortened. Her hand shrank into paws. Fur slowly began to grow as the rest of her body continued to change. Within a few minutes Cat was transformed fully into a black cat. "Whoops! Almost forgot." Cat said looking behind her. Wings then burst out and flapped a couple of times then settling. "That's better."
"That was cool!" Kannuki said. "I wish I could do that!"
"Well, with a little help we can make your head square." Jun joked.
"Not funny." Kannuki smarted.
Jun then stuck her tongue out at Kannuki.
"Let's be serious now." Cat said standing already transformed back into her human form.
"So what's the plan?" Raziel asked Mingi.
"I'm not sure yet." Mingi replied. "We might as well wait for Kitana to show up with Cyrus and Tickashi."
"Tell me, how has EmLynn been treating the people of this island?" Niniane asked the woman.
"She give us space, yet she is cruel at the same time. Everyone knows she's planning to do something to us." The woman said standing up and walking to the counter to get another cup. "To sacrifice us to the goddess of death or something. The goddess of life tried to free us, we all know. The whole town saw them fight. Only... the goddess of live lost to some strange powerful man."
"What did this man look like?" Yuni asked the woman.
"I couldn't really tell." The woman replied trying to remember. "All I know is that he was very tall and had white hair. At least I think..."
"Who do you think it could be?" Niniane asked.
"A very strong man, huh?" Mingi said to herself.
"Of course this man would have to be a god in order to defeat Angel." Raziel pointed out.
"Jaton!!" Kannuki shouted.
"Jaton?" The woman said confused.
"Yes. He is the only male god. Or should I say half god." Jun said.
"How is he only half god?" The woman asked.
"It's a very long story." Yuni replied.
A ball of light then formed in the house and Kitana with Tickashi and Cyrus appeared as the light faded away.
"You're back." Mingi said.
"Yes, they ran into a little trouble." Kitana replied.
"A little!?!" Tickashi snapped surprised. "How can you call that a little? We were almost going to be eaten by a giant love monster."
"It was no problem." Cyrus said.
"Please, can't you guys at least be happy that you're still alive." Niniane said.
"What happened to you guys anyway?" Kannuki asked.
"When we finally got to the top of the island, we ran into an old man. He was offering to help us in any way possible." Tickashi explained. "You know, with information and all that sort of stuff. That's when Lotus appeared... the last thing I saw was a flash of light, then we woke up in pitch blackness."
"He cast a sleeping spell on us, then left us to be eaten by his zombie lovers." Cyrus explained short and simply.
"You should take some talking lessons from Cyrus." Jun cracked. "You talk to much."
"What do you think we should do, Kitana?" Mingi asked.
"I can take you inside the castle, but I think Cat and Yuni should lead the way since they know their way around the castle." Kitana said.
"The empress is holding a speech today to all the people." The woman said. "That would probably be the best time."
"Well, with EmLynn having Jaton and Kallima on her side, it's gonna be very difficult for us to defeat them." Kitana explained. "I will hold off the two of them if anything ever happens."
"But won't you get killed?" The woman asked in concern.
"It's against the laws to kill another god." Kitana said. "Only Jaton isn't part of out circle, so it wouldn't matter if he were to be destroyed."
"Mingi, what are you going to do?" Kannuki asked.
"What do you mean?" Mingi asked.
"You don't have a sword, how would you fight the monsters?" Kannuki asked with concern.
"Don't worry, I can fight without a weapon." Mingi said putting a hand on Kannuki's shoulder.
"Okay, Mingi. If you say so." Kannuki said.
"When will the speech be held?" Mingi asked the woman.
"At high noon." The woman replied.
"You wouldn't mind going out and buying us some clothes to out ourselves with, do you?" Mingi asked.
"No mind at all, you guys are friends of the princess, besides you're going to rescue this island." The woman replied cheerfully.
The woman then left the house to buy what Mingi had requested. "Do a lot of Lynns wear clothes to cover themselves?" Niniane asked.
"Well, yes." Cat replied. "A lot of my people are ashamed of their hum forms so they wear clothes over their face and bodies."
"Oh, I see." Niniane said.
"Mingi," Kitana started. "I can't bare the thought of you leaving here without a weapon." A sword then formed in Kitana's hands. "Take it."
"Thank you, Kitana." Mingi bowed accepting her offer.
"Why can't Kitana just teleport us into the castle where Angel is?" Jun asked. "I mean it would be much easier."
"I can't do that." Kitana replied.
"But why?" Jun protested.
"Because, if I were to use my powers within the castle, Kallima and Jaton would detect that I'm there." Kitana explained.
"I understand now." Jun said.
The woman returned with clothes to cover the group. "Here we go." The woman smiled handing a clothe to each person except Mingi who already had a clothe of her own.
"Make sure to keep your weapons hidden, since there will be watchers out there. Probably." Mingi said.
They all wrapped the clothes around them and kept their weapons well hidden, but easy to get to just in case. The sound of a bell began to ring. "It's high noon already?" Tickashi said.
"Let's get going." Mingi said heading out the door.
They all headed out the front door, as well as many other people pilling out their own homes and gathering in a group at just before the castle. "Princess?" The woman asked.
"Yes?" Cat replied.
"Please, if you get caught or anything... please don't say I was helping you." The woman said in a shaky voice.
Cat was appalled by what she had said, yet understood that the woman still wishes to live. "I understand..."
"I'm sorry your highness..." The woman said with guilt.
"Don't worry, I understand." Cat said.
"Thank you." The woman said then split form the ground and blended in with the crowd.
"Cat? What's a good way to get into the castle without being spotted." Mingi asked.
"There's a special tunnel at my house, it leads straight to Cat's training room." Yuni said.
"Alright, we'll try that." Mingi said.
She looked forward and saw a strong looking sword shoved into the ground with a large oval ruby in the center of the hilt. "What is that sword?" Mingi asked Cat.
"It's the sword of the son of Gitago." Cat replied. "He put a spell on it so that only the mightiest warrior can pull it out. Many men have tried to pull it out, but all unsuccessful."
Mingi had her hopes of possessing the sword, but after Cat's words she had ignored the sword. Horns then blew and EmLynn stepped out onto a balcony with Lotus at her side and really ugly monsters behind them. The crowd didn't cheer, didn't bow, only waited for what EmLynn had to say. The group also waited to hear some of what she had to say.
"I know you all want to know why I'm keeping you alive." EmLynn said loudly. "Only I have my own reasons, and that is not why I have call you all here. The reason I have call you all here is because my brother is in need of a bride."
At EmLynn's words Lotus' face became shocked. "Like he really needs one, he has plenty of monsters for him." Tickashi whispered.
"Guards search around and gather the most beautiful women here." EmLynn ordered.
The crowd began to murmur and some ran into their houses. The guards began to gather beautiful woman all of which were screaming for their lives. "We need to hide somewhere!" Cat yelled to the group. "They';; be sure to recognize me and Yuni."
"As well as me." Kitana pointed out.
"Let's head to my house and hide in the tunnel." Yuni said.
"Hurry then." Mingi said.
They all began to run to Yuni's house. Yuni leading the way. Mingi trailed behind to make sure no guards would catch any of them. Looking behind her she could see that some of the guards began to bust into houses and coming out with women. When she turned to catch up with the others a guard jumped in front of her. "Going somewhere?" He croaked.
Mingi reached for her sword that Kitana had given her, but another guard grabbed her hand and pulled it back. "No you don't!" Then another guard appeared and took her sword and held it to her throat. He then threw back her hood to look at her face. "She's a pretty one." The man laughed.
Mingi then smiled and kicked the man in the face, then elbowed the guy that had a hold of her arm. When she was about to kick another monster she stopped her kick in mid-air for Niniane was in the way. "Niniane!" Mingi yelled in surprise.
"Hehehehe." The guard laughed showing his face from behind Niniane. He held a dagger to Niniane’s throat.
"Sorry, he caught me before I could get away." Niniane said.
A guard then grabbed Mingi from behind and held her arms tight. Another guard walked up and hit Mingi in the head with the hilt of his sword knocking her out. "Let's take this wild one back to the castle." The guard said throwing Mingi over his shoulder.
The guard that held Niniane put his dagger away and was about to throw her over his shoulder as well. "Not if I can help it!!" Niniane yelled grabbing his shoulders then slamming both of her feet into his chest, then somersaulting backwards. Doing so it grabbed the attention of most of the guards that started to come towards her.
Niniane stood in her stance ready to fight them. "Enough!" EmLynn yelled from the balcony. The guards then stood still in their spots. "She shall definitely be one of the choices for Lotus' bride."
"Yeah right!" Niniane scoffed with discussed of marring Lotus.
Niniane's weapon appeared in her hand with a small flash of blue light. She then started to charge toward EmLynn then jumped high with her weapon above her head, ready to cause great damage to EmLynn. EmLynn held her hand up and a ray shot towards Niniane. The blow damaged Niniane and she fell to the ground. "Clean her up and put her with the others." EmLynn ordered her guards.
One of the guards picked up Niniane then headed inside the castle, with the other guards following behind.
The group had made it into Yuni's house and into the passage way without any of the guards following them. "We're finally safe, Niniane." Raziel said looked behind him. "Niniane? Niniane!"
"Where is she?" Cat asked.
"She's not here!" Raziel yelled.
"Mingi's not here either." Kannuki pointed out.
"The guards must of taken them to the castle. Let's continue on." Tickashi said continuing down the passage way.
"I'm with him. There's not much more we can do." Jun said, following behind Tickashi.
"Don't worry Raziel, we'll get them back once we get into the castle." Kitana said putting a hand on Raziel's shoulder.
"All right." Raziel nodded then followed behind the rest of the group.