Part Seventeen

Niniane woke up in a room full of crying women. Some cried in their own little corner, others had comfort. They all seemed to be wearing beautiful dresses. She then looked doen to notice she too was wearing a beautiful dress. "What's going on here?" Niniane asked a silent woman beside her.

"We are all dressed to be choosen to see who would wed the evil man." The woman replied in a shacky voice.

Niniane searched the room looking at all the beautiful women, then noticed something. "Mingi!? Where's Mingi?!?!"

"You mean that strong woman?" A woman asked from across the room conforting a crying woman in her arms. "She was taken away by the guards because she was becoming a neusance to them. They probably killed her."

"No..." Niniane whispered to herself.

"That woman was so strong..." A woman wimpered. "She could of saved us."

"Well, if you cry babies want to stay here and wed that baffoon, I wouldn't mind." Niniane said. "I'm not. I'm leaving to find my friend."

"Wait, you can't! You can't fight them all off!" A woman pleaded to Niniane.

"Watch me." Niniane sneered. Her ax like weapon appeared in her hand.

The room got silent, they had stopped their crying and watched Niniane. Glowing blue, Niniane raised her weapon and struck at the door. She kicked the door making half of it fall. Stepping outside she turned to the women in the room. "Chiao." She smiled holding up a peace sign with her fingures. Leaving the women in the room she ran down the hall having to hold up her dress to run. "Now, which way should I go?" She asked herself, once she reached a part of the hall that split.

Hearing footsteps coming toward her, she dodged to the right hall as some guards turned the corner holding Mingi in their arms. Two only hold her, then two walked in frong and two walked behind. They had tied Mingi in chains, only because she is very strong. "This one was a tough one." One of the guards said. "Yeah, even toughert than the other." Another one said. "Killing three of the guards in one stroke, that's powerful." another on of the guards said. "I think EmLynn would find this girl more suitable."

As soon as they passed the hall that Niniane hid in, lucky not to be noticed by one of them. Walking up behind the last two she used her weapon and cut off both their heads. The four remaining guards then turned and looked at her. "HI!" She waved, then swung her weapon and cutting the chains off of Mingi. Mingi dodged two hits from the guards beside her and rolled beside Niniane.

Mingi held out both her hands. "Wind!" A huge gust of wind blew the guards deep into the hall till they couldn't see them any longer.

"What happened to you?" Niniane asked Mingi.

"No time to explain. Let's go." Mingi said grabbing Niniane's arm then ran down the hall that Niniane used to hid from the guards.

"Where are we going?" Niniane asked.

"We need to find the stairs that lead down." Mingi explained.

After running around for awhile and keeping out of sight from a couple of guards that roamed the halls, they finally made it to the stairs. They climbed down the stairs and made it into a big room with nothing in it. "Um... dead end." Niniane said.

Soon they heard a rumbling noise, but realized that it was more like rock rubbing against rock. The wall in the back started to move and out stepped Yuni. She didn't notice Mingi and Niniane at first, but when she did she looked like she nearly jumped out of her skin of fright. "Oh, it's you!" Yuni said cheerfully.

"Who!?!" Raziel said pushing out from behind Yuni. Taking only one look at Niniane he ran up and gave her a hug.

"Oh, you missed me that much?" Niniane asked Raziel.

"Yeah, and I was worried that you would of been hurt." Raziel smiled. "Hey? What's with the dress?"

"Lotus is in need of a bride, so they dressed al the women up." Niniane explained. "I don't like the color."

"You look beautiful in it." Raziel smiled.

"You're so sweet." Niniane smiled back.

"Hey, why isn't Mingi in a dress?" Jun asked.

"Maybe because she wouldn't let them." Kannuki said.

"Right on the dot, Kannukie." Mingi smiled.

Kannuki smiled at Mingi and stuck his tongue at Jun. "Brat!" was all Jun said then moved before Kannuki could say anymore.

"Where's Angel?" Tickashi asked.

"I don't know." Mingi replied.

"I can feel she is in the castle, but way upstairs." Kitana said.

"Then let's go." Tickashi said walking to leave.

"We best be careful," Mingi warned. "We killed off six of the guards. They'd find the bodies soon and know we've escaped."

"Here's the thing," Cat started. "Once we make it upstairs there are secret passageways all throught the castle. They passageways were orginally there for shortcuts to get from one area to another, but they would be very useful for sneaking through the castle without getting caught."

The whole group agreed on using the passageways and let Cat lead the way around. They quickly avoided any guards that roamed the halled and reached the stairs that Cat was talking about to get up stairs. Coming up the stairs they left the dull room into a more bright and beautiul room. There was a door that Cat pointed out that lead to one of the passageways. They quickly ran and entered the door, the room was dark and a bit gloomy since there was no lights and the curtains were pulled closed. Cat started pushing on the wall then finally found the passageway. "Let's go." Cat whispered.

They all entered in and saw a big glowing ball with metal designs all around it. "Um... what is this?" Kannuki asked.

"That's out transportation." Cat said, stepping inside the huge ball.

"Don't worry, as long as any kind of Lynn is inside the ball then it would work." Yuni said to the group.

"Okay, where does this lead?" Niniane asked.

"It takes us anywhere we want in the castle." Yuni said stepping in.

"Um... alrighty then." Kannuki said feeling a little uneasy. He finally stepped inside the ball. "Whoa, this is neat!"

The others stood unsure for awhile then finally one by one they stepped into the strange ball. "So where to?" Cat asked.

"Anywhere that leads up." Kitana said.

"Is this thing really noisy?" Mingi asked Cat.

"No, it's very quiet." Cat replied.

"Exactly how fast does this thing gooooooooo!?!" Before Jun was able to finish her sentence the ball moved extremely fast and it's speed cam to a shock to her that she fell back.

Within a few seconds they arrive on the third floor. They walked out of the ball and heard low voices through the wall. Only Cat and Yuni could clearly hear what they were saying, so they spoke to them what they were saying.

"There are only two people speaking; one is a woman, the other is a man." Cat said.

" 'She may not be the beautifuliest, but she is the strongest. Making you god-like powers stronger than they would be if you stayed with Kitana.' " Yuni spoke.

" 'I know. Maybe I can use her to make me a full god and still have Kitana for my own reasons.' " Cat spoke. " 'Fine.' "

"Wait, I know who those two are." Kitana said. "They're Kallima and Jaton, and Angel's probably in there too."

"Angel!" Tickashi yelled bursting through the wall into the room. Luckily Kallima and Jaton had already disappeared. Angel was chained up with these gold chains her hand layed slummed. "Angel..." Tickashi said softly lifthing her head up.

"Tickashi... Mingi... Everybody... You all came." Angel said in a weak voice.

"Oh, Angel. What did they do to you?" Tickashi asked.

"I can't fight the both of them... I can't..." Angel sobbed.

"Don't worry we're here to help you." Tickashi said, started to pull on her chains.

"You can't help me..." Angel said with sorrow. "There's nothing you can do. Not even I can break these!" Angel yelled, tugging on one of the chains with her strength. She starred at Tickashi for awhile beginning to cry then turned her head away from him.

"Angel, please don't say these things." Tickashi said.

"I know you love me, Tickashi." Angel said not turning to face him. "But if you truely love me, you'd leave. Leave now before you get yourselves killed."

"I can't..." Tickashi said.

"Leave... please..." Angel urged. "LEAVE!!!" She screamed, then with a flash of light they all disappeared. All, but Kitana.

"I won't leave you that easy, Angel." She said. Pulling on the chain, the wal that held it began to crack. "Help me." Angel then began to use her strength as well and the chain brok loose. They quickly began to pull on the other that came out quicker than the other. "Let's get to Phoenix to get these silly chains off you."

Angel smiled and began to cry. "I love you, Kitana."

"Why is that?" Kitana asked.

"Only because you never listen to me." Angel smiled.

They both huged each other and disappeared.

Part Eighteen