Here are links to some of my friends sites. Some are super cool others need some help, but then again still under construction.

Rydia:::Rydia's Home--A nice person and a cool page, it's still under major construction. So, watch your step.

Princess Nada:::Setsuna's World--Also a nice page, kinda small, but she has the cutest ferret pics, she is also a Sailor Moon Fan.

Chris Highwind:::Cid's Squaresoft Stuff--It's a pretty cool page with lots of pics and midis. You should come here's actually pretty nice.

HugeTiger(a.k.a. HT):::Bahamut ZERO's Lair--A cool page and pretty humorus, if your in the mood for a laugh go here.

Lancermog:::LancerMog's Tribute to Final Fantasy 7--You definatly have to check this place out it's way cool. He has this interesting but difficult game on hunt the Mog. He even has his own virtual city, which I am a member of. You can get job (this is all fake so don't think really) get married, even buy a house. Check it out.

calculatorMog:::calculatorMog's Home Page--There is a cute pic of a mog and kewl music. It's also kind of small but it does have lots of cool stuff to see and read.

Lede:::Rain or Shine--An artist as well, I love the witch she had there one time "Edea" she looks sooo cool!!!! ^_^* She does a pretty good job with most of those drawings and I really like them. Most of her pages aren't up yet, but be sure to check out her art page, some are really cool, some aren't.

Grey:::The Grey Mist--A pretty small page, and he doesn't have that many friends on his list, but anyway, I'm not on the list, but only because I barely even know him that well. ^_^* Go see it, it's pretty cool in my view.

Biggs:::The Final Fantasy Saga--Pretty NEAT! He has info about each kind of FF game that has ever been released and much more!!

Darian Knight:::The Knight Club--Is pretty much under construction, and is pretty small, but if you read the "About me" section, most of it isn't true so don't believe all of it. Most of the pages are up for link, but isn't there cause he hasn't gotten to it yet. It's pretty small, but if you're up to it, go check this neat site, and I know someday it's gonna be big and really cool. ^_^*

Absolute Zero or MooMoo Head:::Fanart and Midi heaven--This page is mostly about like fanart and midis. The midi's are pretty good, but not all of the fan art, some are pretty ICK and others are in the middle and are cool.

Jenny-Chan:::umm... she seems to have moved her page... but, I'll get it someday when I can get a hold of her. ^_^*

Promised Snow and many other kind of names (is a he no she!!):::Dream World of Final Fantasy VIII--N/A

Kaneda... I don't know this guy, but I hear his name spoken of a lot:::Anti-Climaz??--He loves to write and he seems to have enjoyment in anime as much as I do. Um.. at least he's got some good taste in the anime movies, but he sure cares too much about the art and dubbing then he does the story. (he sucks! j/k) He so deranged... I wonder what ever happened in his life to bring him down to this. Well, he's also got this survey thingy there, and if you feel like it answer the questions, some are dumb... um all are dumb, but I was bored so I went ahead and filled it out. Other than that it's a pretty good site, if you can stand for the tons of reading you'll have to go through. ^_^*

Raziel:::His Home Page-- IT's an artpage with all sorts of drawings done by him!! Hand, mouse, and graphic stuff, he's pretty good! Check it out!!!!

darkDragon:::dD'z Cybor Space--He just moved and totaly changed everything and is under major MAJOR construction at the time. Be sure to come here someday or another.

NeoBahamut:::Fanart Unerverse--This is a pretty neat page full of fan art or just plain art work. You will find some of my art there as well, maybe even some that aren't even up on this page.

SummonerCat:::The Island of Lynns Page--It's still under construction and you can adopt these cute looking thingy's called "Geos" and you can join the Lynn club and see her art page (which just a few of them I had to help out with) it's a pretty neat page. Don't forget to sign her g-book.

Well I guess that's all of them...more should come soon. If your a friend and you have a site and I don't have a link to your page up here then mail me and I would add a link to your page.

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