Thank you DreamBook for the free guest book.
Thank you Tool Zone for your free page counter.
Thank you BoingDragon for that near heart web counter in An Untitled Story.
Thank you Tripod for the free space.
Thank you Fortunecity for the free 20MB.
Also thank you daddy for letting me hog the computer a lot to work on my pages.
!!!All guest book links are the same!!!
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PLEASE sign my guest book!!
I have another guest book...
if one doesn't work, then use the other.
*Enchanted Castle*
*A Very Fairy Tale*
*All About Me*
*A Story of Love*
*My One and Only; My Best Friend*
*Thank You*
*My Page Guardians*
*Enchanted Creatures*
*Under the Sea*
*My Drawing*
*My Awards*
*Win My Art Award*
*Sailor Moon*
*Scanned Drawings*
*My Friends' Links*
*Final Fantasy VII*
*An Untitled Story*
*An Untitled Story II*
*Favorite Comics Page*
*Anime Page*
*Funny Jokes*
*Short Stories*