!!Beware there may be a lot of mistyping through all of this!!
"Once long ago, before there was such thing as time, the world was shrouded in darkness."
"Then came the splender of light, bringing life and love into the Universe, and the Lord of Darkness retreated deep into the shadows of the earth, plotting his return to power...by banishing light forever."
"But precious light is protected, harbored in the souls of Unicorns, the most mystical of all creatures."
"Unicorns are safe from the Lord of Darkness, they can only be found by the purest of mortals...Such a mortal is Jack, who lives in solitude with the animals of the forest."
"A beautiful girl named Lily loves Jack with all her heart. In their innocence, they believe only goodness exists in the world."
"Together they will learn there can be no good without evil...No love without hate...No heaven without hell...No light without darkness."
"The harmony of the Universe depends upon the eternal balance. Out of the struggle to maintain this balance comes the birth of Legends."
My favorite movie is 'Legend', I like it becauase it is very interesting and it brings reality to some people like there world would always have evil and bad people. It is also very mystical and has a nice plot.
At the begining of the movie a goblin named Blix is walking up to a huge tree (The Great Tree). Inside the tree there are demons known as 'Thigs' are chopping up people. While Darkness is sitting upon his thrown talking to mother night asking her to use her dark powers to protect him. That's when Blix knocks on Darkness' Door. Darkness allows him to enter, and asks Blix if he is truely the darkest of his goblins. Blix agrees, then Darkness tells him about a presents in the forest that he has almost forgoten about. Darkness then oders Blix that he must find the force and destroy it. Blix was a bit confused and knew not of what force Darkness was talking about, he asks Darkness what it looks like. Darkness was a little angered by Blix's stupidness, and grabs a knife and places it on the tip of Blix's forhead so swiftly it scared Blix a bit. He then tells Blix what it looks like in a riddle, "the creature is crowned with a single sprial reaching like an antenna straight to heaven!" Blix then asks him to teach him on how to bait the creatures to their doom. Darkness replies that the only lure for the creatures was innocence.

When the scene between Darkness and Blix was over, Lily is skipping through the plains of the forest, picking up any beautiful flower she runs upon and adds it to her buquet of flowers she has in her hand. In the while Blix and two other goblins (Blunder and Pox) are watching Lily, "may be innocent, may be sweet, ain't half as nice as rotting meat". Lily continues to skip around till a house comes into view, with Lily's friend Nell hanging up lawndry on a line. A playful thought came to Lily's mind when she headed up to the house. She decided to sneak up to a side where one of the lines is tied at and pulled it, then ran for the door of Nell's house. Nell's clothes all fell and she blamed the problem on the fairies. When Lily was inside Nell's house, she took a look at the table full of food and grabed a couple of peices of food. While Lily was admiring Nell's baby the clock in the house chimed, Lily looked at it and was drawn into a flash and saw the clock still chimming only it was covered it snow. Nell interubted Lily's flash when she came into the house and greeting her, and offered her another biscut. Lily told Nell that she had no time for a visit that day. Nell asked if she had a sweetheart waiting for her. Lily told Nell that no one, not even the King could keep her out of the woods today. Nell told Lily that she should stop visiting poor folks and start acting like the lady she is. Lily told Nell that she has more beauty around her than any other palace in the world. Lily then realized that she was running out of time and had to hurry, Nell ran some ways after her and yelled her several things that were in the forest she should watch out for.
In the forest Lily is calling for Jack, but he doesn't show. Most of the time when she is walking around the goblins would make sounds and Lily would call Jacks name after she hears the noise. After Jack not showing up after all the time she has called his name, she started to act scared and worried. Jack then appears jumping out of a tree. Lily then playfully says that he nearly scared her half to death. That's when a crow of some sort lands on Jacks shoulder, when he tries to get it to sit on his hand it flies away.
Afterwords Jack and Lily walk through the forest having a good time, while the goblins continue to follow. When Lily and Jack are in a clearing Lily is whistling with a singing birds and bring the bird closer to her mouth then when the bird only came so close to her Jack told her she did a good job. Lily then holds her charm up and has the rays of the sun reflect off of it onto Jacks face. She thens asks Jack to tell her their future. Jack refuses and Lily asks why, he tells her that he has something he has been promising to show her. He pulls out a cloth and refuses to have put on at first and asks Jack if he trusts her. Jack looks at Lily and says he trusts her before putting the cloth over her eyes.
Jack leads the blind-folded Lily a small creak in the forest, with the goblins still following behind them. When Jack takes the cloth off of Lily's eyes she stars at the beauty of the creak that Jack has lead her to. Jack then points at two white figures that were dancing closer and closer. Jack then tells Lily that the they are the most mystical of all creatures to ever roam the earth. "As long as they roam the earth, evil can never harm the pure of heart." In the middle of that verse Lily gets up and starts heading toward the unicorns. Jack tells Lily not to, but she seemed as though she didn't hear him or just ignored him. At the same time the goblins are preparing their trap for the Unicorn with a poison dart. Lily was edging near one of the Unicorns, after starring at it for awhile the Unicorn then started to head toward her. When the Unicorn came into her reaching rang she petted it, when Blix took a big breath and shot the poison dart and Jack walking away form the sceen. The Unicorns were scared and started running with the goblins chasing after.
Well here is where they keep switching back and forth between the goblins chasing the Unicorns and Jack and Lily. So I am Just gonna talk about Jack and Lily till a good part about the goblins and the unicorns.
In this scene Lily calls Jacks name and tells her how lovely it was, Jack tells her that what she did was forbiden, but Lily can't see him, only hear him. He then told Lily about a legend that the Unicorns were sacred and she risked her imortal soul. She then turns and sees Jack when she noticed how loud his voice got all of a sudden, and told him that how could it be any harm in touching only one of them. Jack then noticed the swift changes of the clouds, Lily walks over to his side and tells him she's sorry. When she tried to kiss him, but he refuses.
"Are you afraid to Kiss me, Jack?" "I'm afraid you'll break my heart." "And steal your heart. You mean more to me then life itself." Lily then removes a ring from her finger and asks Jack if he wished it was their wedding ring. She tells him that as her right as setting a challenge for her suiters, she would marry who ever found her ring. When she trew it Jack went running after it. Lily yelled after him when he jumped of a cliff and dived into a small lake below it. Once he dives in Lily turns frantic and it starts to rain. At this time Blix and the others have caught up with the unicorn and it is down on it's knees. Blix walks up to it with a sword in hand. He holds the sword up high and chops the Unicorns horn off, and holds the broken horn high. When Jack couldn't find the ring and tried to rise to the surface for air, he hit his head on something solid. He then starts to beat on the solid form blocking his way until it breaks, and he takes a deep breath. He then yells Lily's name, but she wasn't there she ran off while he was still looking for the ring.

Lily was running down a path the entire forest was covered in snow within a couple of minutes. Lily franticly ran to Nell's house and slamed the door behind her. When she turned to look at Nell, she stood completely still, when she walked closer Nell was frozen stiff. She then heard histerical laughter and ran to the window and saw that the three goblins were heading to Nell's house. Lily panics and heads to the attic right when the goblins burst into the door. At first Blix looks around and then says "Mortal world turned to ice, here be goblin paradise." The goblins start to dig into the food that was around, while Blix walks up to the clock and uses the horn to touch it and there was a small bolt between the horn and the clock and the clock then starts to chim. Blix realises the power within the horn and makes the fireplace just below the clock burst into bigger flames. The other two goblins ask Blix how he did that, Blix told them it was quit easy and made the eggs explode and a vase crack open. Blunder says that it was a lucky day, killed the ugly one-horned mule. Blix was upset with what Blunder said and said that Funder acted as though he did all the work. Blix then yelled that he shot the poison stinger and started smacking Blunder. Pox then pointed out that it was Lily who lead the unicorn into the trap. Blunder said nasty stuff about her and so did Pox, and Blix yelled at them to quite, and that they must hurry because their dark lord don't like to wait. Before heading out the door Blix made a chair skid across the room and let out an evil laugh. When they left Lily looked out the attic window and asked what she had done and swore that she would make it right.

We then go back to Jack who is walking through the forest calling Lily's name. The goblins were riding their small horses with Lily following far behind them. Not so long afterwords Jack is fast asleep next to a fire, when a small light is humming and playfully calls Jacks name then brightens the flame of the fire. Jack awoke and said Lily's name. Suddenly a boy jump before Jack, scaring him, and he looks around and sees other small figures giggling and playing around in the snow. When Jack asked who was there, the boy appeared before him again. Jack asked who he was and the boy replied"Here be a forest child and not know the Gump." Jack noticed that Gump was his name and Gump then bowed before Jack and introduced himself, Honey-thorn Gump is his full name. Jack asked Gump how he knew his name. Gump told Jack that he knows everything, yet he doesn't understand what has happened that day, and asked Jack if he knew anything about what has happened. Jack then confessed that he took Lily to go see the unicorns. Gump was upset with what Jack had just told him. Jack then told him that Lily even touched one of them. Gump was shocked and angry that Jack allowed a mortal to lay her hands on a unicorn. He then yelled that he couldn't upset the balance of the universe without paying the price. Jack snaped back at Gump that him and Lily meant no wrong, that he did it for Lily and love. Gump was then calm and told Jack that love was another matter. Gump then called for Brown Tom for a toast to love. They poured the elderberry wine into small cups and toasted to Jack and love. Jack added it to Lily as well. Another elf Screwball put a fur coat around Jacks shoulders. Jack asked Gump if he even cared what has happened. Gump then said that they care of course and that the world would be no good locked in a season of death. Jack said that they must find the answer he must know what has happened to his Lily. Gump agreed and Screwball sadly feared the worst.
Gump, Jack, Brown Tom and Screwball walked through the woods while Jack screamed Lily's name every once in a while. They then heard a cry of the servived unicorn and was lead to where a unicorn lied dead without it's horn. Damaire, the female unicorn then appeared and was angered and sad at the sametime. When Jack approached her he was furius. Jack told her that he ment no wrong and for forgivness. When Jack was finished he headed back to the elves. Gump asked him what has happened Jack replied that the dark is where they'll stay, and they must find the horn that belonged to Dalian (the male Unicorn) and only then would the w orld return to normal. Jack also said that they must find a champion, bold of heart and pure i n spirit. Screwbar asked what champion, and Gump told them not to give up so quickly. After thinking for a short time, Gump chose Jack to be the champion. Jack told Gump that he knew nothing of weapons. Gump only told him that he would learn, and he knew where to find the best. Gump told Brown Tom to stay with the unicorn and guard her well. Brown Tom told Gump that he would guard her with his own life, but Gump told him to guard her better then his own life, that she is the last of her kind. Gump lead Jack to the tunnel that held the best of weapons, also telling Jack that he can't go with him, and that Oona the small light would guide him to the weapons. Jack followed Oona through the tunnel to the weapons. When Jack finally reached the end of the tunnel where the armor and weapons laid, Oona turned into a human like form with wings. Jack starred confused, Oona told him that nobody knew but him and that it was their secret and not to tell Gump. Oona made Jack promise not to tell Gump, and that she can be anything he wanted her to be, and that Jack has to help them.
Lily was a mess, her hair was fallen out into tangles and her dress torn. She heard Blix yelling words and followed them into a cave where they were resting. Blix was talking about how he has the power of the horn and that all creatures would worship goblins. Funder then told Blix that he should talk like that, Blix asked why, Blunder only replied that the power was just a bunch of bull. Blix then used the horn to make some of the flame of the fire jump onto Blunder's rear end and turned it on fire. Blunder then ran to a bucket with water and put the fire out. Blix then used the power of the horn making the flames of the fire rise higher and chating these words: "Higher, higher, burning fire, making music like a choir." Pox told Blix that it seemed such a big a waste such power on small things like a flame. Blix then told Pox to watch his mouth or he would turn him into pork chop. Pox told Blix that he should turn everything into garbage a great big towering mountain of slop, that it would be magic. Blix only ignored him and started chanting again. A huge figure covered in cloth appeared behind Blix while he laughed. Pox saw the figure and started yelling Blix's name and told him that Darkness was behind him. Blix then got nervus and threw the horn. Blunder then ran for the horn and start to yell: "Stop! Hear me, you angle of darkness. Your rein is over. A newer power begins, I hold the power." Darkness was then fed up with the foolishness and snached the horn from Blunder and a mummy just at Blunder's feet, grabbed Blunder. Blunder told Darkness that it was only a joke and asked if he had no sense of humor, just before the mummy droped down a whole with Blunder in it's arms. Blix told Darkness that what he was saying was nothing that he was just trying to incuraging them. Darkness asked that if the unicorns were dead. Blix told him that they were dead, but Darkness knew that he was lying because the sun was rising, and that even if one unicorn walks the earth his power would not be complete. Blix pleaded saying that she was just a female and that she had no power. Darkness said that she had the power of creation, and that he companded them to get her. Lily then ran away from her spot she was watching the entire scene from.
Brown Tom had built a fire and was talking to the unicorn when Lily appears. Brown Tom noticed her and told her that she was the cause of all their sorrow. Lily then crying saying she didn't know and asked him for forgiveness. Brown Tom snapped that he wasn't the one she should be asking for forgiveness. Lily then said that he should try and understand that she was only trying to make things right, she told him about the goblins coming after Damaire and that it wasn't safe for them to stay there. When she was yelling for him to hurry, it was too late that the goblins were already there. Shooting arrows at him with a pan in hand the arrows were bouncing off the pan, so Brown Tom used it as an advantige til an arrow went through his head. The goblins then started to head toward Lily and the Unicorn, with a net.
Jack and the others just returned from the tunnel and saw Brown Tom laying in the snow with an arrow through his head. Gump yelled his name when they all ran by his side. Brown Tom cracked his eyes open and noticed all of them, he asked them if they were killed as well. Gump told Brown Tom that they were not dead and what was he talking about. Brown Tom told Gump that goblins attacked and shot him through the head. They lifted his hat up and noticed it only broke his wine bottle and missed his head. Brown Tom told Gump that he tried his best and that they swarmed up by the hundreds, he also said that Lily warned him. Jack then jumped and asked if it was her, Brown Tom said it was. Jack was releaved and Brown Tom added that she was still alive when they killed him. Jack said that the goblins might have taken her, Gump suggested that they follow their tracks in the snow.
They followed their tracks to The Great Tree. They walked up closer to the tree to where they had to cross a swamp. Screwball said he hated it, Gump then said that he should go first. When Screwball got to the other side he yelled that he made it when something grabbed him and pulled him into the swampy water. Jack ran to where Screwball fell and saw him rise back to the surface when an ugly green demon brust out of the water screaming about the elf being sour. She then noticed Jack and asked who he was, he intoduced himself while she was amazed by his shield. She then told him how juicy and fat he was. Jack then asked if she really meant to eat him. She laughed and said she really does, right when she was about to grab for him he pulled out his sword and cut her head off. Jack was then amazed that he actually did it.
Inside the Great Tree Lily and the chaned Damaire are in the dungeon. Lily looks around scared. In this dark part of the dungeon a pairs of eyes glow. Jack and the others are walking into the Great Tree. They reach this part where they seem to stop contuing on. Gump shots one of his arrows down to see how far it is. Screwball seemed to be interested it a chain of bones, he then pulls it and the ground under them, it then stoped. Brown Tom then said that it may be stuck, at those words the ground under them fully falls and they all fall down a tunnel into another dungeon. In the background they hear screams. They all then panic and try to see if they were able to get out the bars. Then Blunder tells them that they should be quiet. Screwball asks who he is. Blunder tells him that who he is doesn't matter even though they are all brothers. He then removes his helmet and Screwball runs over to him, happy to see him. Blunder then tells them that they must face it and that they are all B.B.Q. One of the Demons started to walk over to the dungeons, Blunder seeing that he was coming yelled for them to hide. They all used the hay that was in their dungeons to hide themselves from him. The Thig walks over to Blunders cage and looks through the bars to where Jack and everybody was hidding. The thig then reaches into a big pile of hay and gets a hold of Blunder. They all hear him yelling and screaming but could do nothing about it. Screwball says that he could take care of himself. Gump agrees saying that it is more important that they find the Unicorn. Jack then asks to have Oona fly out and get the key. Gump says that she is much to small and wouldn't be able to lift it. Oona then floats high and says about their secret. Jack then says that their secret would stay forever in their grave if she doesn't help. Oona then changes into her live size and Gump was shocked and was mad that she kept such a secret from him. Oona told him that they were hers to keep, she then turns to Jack and says she would do as he asks if he would kiss her. Jack said it was easy, then kissed her on her cheek. Brown Tom laughed. Oona then said that was not a kiss, and if she is not sweet. "Sweeter then bee pollen, in the summer wind." is Jacks reply. Oona then transforms into Lily, asks Jack if he would kiss her. Jack was tempted to kiss her, then backs away saying that human hearts don't work that way. Oona then said she doesn't care about human hearts and angrily transformed into the small light and flew away. Jack called Oona's name and Gump was angry at Jack for what he did. Oona then appears at the door with the keys in her hand. Oona said something rude to them at first and Gump tried to get the keys but she didn't allow him to take them at first then Gump snaped his fingers and she opens the door.
They run through the Great Tree kitchen that was full of steam. Jack then said that they should find the dungeons. Gump then told Screwball and Brown Tom should get quiet. Jack said it would be better if they split up into teams, Brown Tom at first wanted to go with Jack, but Jack interupted him and told them that Gump should go with him and Screwball and Brown Tom. Before Jack left with Gump he told Brown Tom and Screwball good luck. As soon as Jack and Gump left Screwball and Brown Tom agrued for a short time about which way they should go.
We then go to Darkness who is talking to his father. He says that he has the world in his grasp, but the girl, Lily, distracts him. He talks about it being an eternaty since he felt such desire towards someone. He asks his father what he should do. "She fasinates you, because her soul is pure. To make her one of us, charm her, woo her, change her spirit. Hypnotise her, set her free, bring her to you." Lily is running through the rooms of the Great Tree with Oona following her, when a door closes behind Lily, Oona was unable to follow any futher. Jack and Gump are in another part of the Tree and are attacked by hairy creatures, Jack yells for Gump to follow him and they shut a door, then continued on searching. In the mean time Screwball and Brown Tom find the dungeon were the unicorn is. Lily is standing before a fire while Darkness' father whispers to him "Win her" she then turns from the fire and looks around and sees a table full of jewelry. "charm her" she starts to walk towards the table "seduce her" she walks up to the table and opens the jewelry box and pulls out a diamond necklace. Lily then hears a spinning noise, and puts it back and quickly closes the box. When she turns around she sees a black woman with no face and it says "make her one of use" it then starts to dance around and tries to make Lily dance with her. When she does Lily looks as though she wonders if the figure will stop and leave her alone. It then dance before her and imerges with Lily and Lily is dancing around wearing the dress the black figure was wearing. When she stops dancing she stands before a mirror where Darkness starts to come out of and Lily faints shocked. When Darkness is fully out of the mirror he walks before Lily and is up close to her face. Lily wakes suddenly and backs away from him. He asks her if he likes his gifts to her, she then somewhat crying saying no. Darkness then tells her that he has found his true mate and that she knows it. Beneath her skin they are already one. Lily keeps refusing through all of his words. He then asks if it was not her who trapped the unicorn and that even while they speak the evil seed of what she's done germinates within her. When Lily starts to talk Darkness starres worried that she would win his fight. Until she said he was nothing but an animal, he then laughs saying they were all animals.
On the other side of the door Oona has lead Jack and Gump to the place, Jack looks through the crack in the door and sees Lily. When he tries to see if he could open the door Gump told him there was nothing he could do for her now, so they continued to listen to Darkness' plan. Darkness says that the last unicorn would die tonight and Gump looks shocked and listens somemore. Darkness then reveals his weakness "sunshine is my distroyer." Gump then tells Jack that as long as the sun still shines they could distroy Darkness. Jack then remembers when Lily used her charm to reflect the sun onto his face.
Screwball and Brown Tom are walking and are scared by some steam, then Jack grabs Screwballs shoulder and Screwball turns and attacks Jacks knee when he looks up it is Jack. Gump then informs them of Jacks plan. They all return back to the kitchen and hear Blunder in a cooking pot with pie over him. They then realese him telling him that he should be quiet and try not to wake the Thigs. Blunder then promises and Jack helps him get out. Afterwords they are gather silver plates that are stacked on high shelves collecting them. Brown Tom was throwing a plate towards Screwball but messed up making a lot of noise wakening one of the Thigs. Jake wakes the other calling Brown Toms name. Jack was being attacked by one of the big Thigs that had an ax, while the elves attacked the other one. Jack then pulls a lever that pours scolding hot water on the Thig with the ax and the elves knock the other Thig out cold. They then where cheering at Jack for being their champion. Jack grabs one of the plates and goes to a spot that light shined through. Gump said that everyone was too big to fit through. Screwball then offers to do the climbing. Gump asked if he was sure he wanted to do this, Screwball assured Gump that he did.
Darkness tells that all he asks if for Lily to sit and talk with him. Lily asks if he wanted her to sit in a chair and he says yes. She told him that she preferred to stand. Darkness then gets a little angry then he calms down and said she could do as she wished. He said that it was enough that they were alone together. And that he would like a simple conversation. Lily said that she has nothing to talk about, that he has stolen her dreams away. Darkness says that all things change and that dreams were his speaciality that way he can influence man kind. Darkness then says "I offer you this rose, princess. My heart, my soul, my love." Lily then notices that he had just said love and so did he. In the meantime Jack and the others are setting up the plates so the light would reflect off of each one of them. Darkness then asks her to sit and tell him her thoughts. Lily then asks him if she is to sit, and nothing more than that. Darkness says that he would like her to talk to him. Lily then walks up to the table where an empty wine glass stood. Using his mind he fills it up. Lily snaps at Darkness that she would do nothing for his pleasure. Darkness then gets angry and Lily laughs. When he hears the Unicorn cry he calms, then Lily says "I hear a throat begging to be cut." "Are you so ancious to see blood flow?" "As you are to drink it. Grant your bride one final wish on this night." " What have but to ask." "I will stay here as you wish, but on one condition..." "Anything." "I want to kill the Unicorn." At Lily's last words Darkness then smiles and starts to laugh.
Darkness, Lily and the Unicorn are in the dungeon of the tree and Darkness then says a speech about the past. At that time Gump tells Oona that it was time and she should tell Screwball to be ready. When the door was about to close all but Blunder get through the door. Jack and Gump are at a part where they held arrows ready to be shot. When Gump saw that Lily meant to kill the Unicorn he told Jack that he has no chose but to kill her. Gump told Jack to forget her and think about the unicorn. Jack then closes his eyes and tells Lily that he trusts her, he will always trust her, then aims his arrow at Darkness. Lily raises the sword up high and strikes at the chain that held the unicorn and yelled at it to run. Darkness was mad at what Lily had just done and smacked her. Jack then was mad at Darkness for smacking her and jumpe d d own. While Jack and Darkness fought Gump was shooting arrows at Darkness which did no harm. Wh en Gump ran out of arrows Jack had to fight Darkness by himself. Oona finally reached Screwball and saw that he was asleep. She tried to wake him but he wouldn't so she tried to lift the plate herself but she was to weak to lift it. Jack and Darkness still fighting, Jack notices the horn and reaches for it. Darkness orders Jack to give it to him. Oona finally got Screwball to wake up and they held the plate up to the sun and it reflected of the plate and started to reflect off of each plate. Jack then throws the horn into Darkness' stomache at the same time the light flashed upon him. He was being pushed by the light and was weak. Jack then picks up a sword and Darkness tries to convinse Jack not to kill him because light wouldn't be without dark. Gump then tells Jack to kill him and Jack does. When him and Gump are at Lily's side, Gump tells Jack that she is under a powerfull spell. Jack asks Gump if there was anything he could do about it. Gump told Jack that only he could answer that riddle, but Gump has a promise to full fill. Jack retreaves the horn for Gump.
Back in the forest Jack dives back into the lake and rises back with Lily's ring in hand. Gump puts the horn back on the Unicorn and it rises back to it's feet. The world was no longer ice but back to it's spring beauty. When Jack returns to Lily's side and puts the ring on her finger telling her that he loved her, after he kissed her she opened her eyes and smiled. Jack and Lily run hand in hand toward the sun and when they turn around they see Oona, Gump, Brown Tom, and Screwball wave them bye. Then the Unicorns appear behind them and Jack and Lily wave back and continue to run toward the sun.
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